Comfort and Kindness Matter

Today’s Reading Genesis 48-50

Focal Scripture: Genesis 50:21 “Therefore don’t be afraid. I will take care of you and your children.” And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.

Not getting what you deserve is always good. In this section Jacob dies and now his sons are afraid that Joseph will come after them to get his revenge. They are so concerned with this possibility that they even lie and send Joseph false information.

However, we see a beautiful display of faith in God and forgiveness above and beyond what anyone could expect. Joseph tells his brothers that even though they intended harm God used that circumstance to save many people. Joseph saw the big picture. Joseph had a faith that was active and trusted God in the good and in the bad. We also see that Joseph showed tremendous kindness. He didn’t have to, he chose to, and that makes all the difference.

To often we see believers who lack compassion and forgiveness. If we really want to show the world that we have been changed by the gospel then we must forgive and be compassionate.

I have witnessed many professing believers who have zero compassion and little forgiveness. They are just mean. They treat others horribly. Or to make it worse they only show forgiveness and comfort to people that they deem worthy. I have heard statements like “I will never forgive them because ….” or “I have not use for someone who does …..”

What if God treated us the same way. What if God said “nope, I am done with you.” God shows us compassion and mercy everyday and guess what. We dont deserve any of it from him. Thankfully, God has chosen to give us what we don’t deserve.

I challenge you today to have more compassion and kindness in your heart. It will change you and those around you as well.

Tomorrow I plan to read Exodus 1-3

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