Today’s Reading Genesis 46-47
Focal Scripture: Genesis 47:6 “the land of Egypt is open before you; settle your father and brothers in the best part of the land. They can live in the land of Goshen. If you know of any capable men among them, put them in charge of my livestock.”
Verses like this always stand out to me, because when unbelievers see the gifts and talents in others and allow them to flourish. Here we have one of the most powerful men on the Earth at the time, completely trust a foreigner with extremely important decisions. This focal verse even trust Joseph to pick men to handle the livestock. Pharaoh knew that he could not succeed on this path by doing everything himself. He knew his limitations. He was also aware to be successful he had to allow Joseph freedom to lead. Pharaoh knew what all good leaders knew is that using the strengths of those around you actually make you look better in the long run.
Joseph was uniquely gifted. Imagine though if Pharaoh saw those gifts and never allowed Joseph to utilize them. It would have been soul crushing. Being contained when your called messes with your reality.
The application for this is straightforward. You must know your people if you are in a leadership role. You must know the gifts of your spouse and let them use those gifts. Your children who are uniquely gifted should not be contained. Allowing creativity creates a peaceful environment for their souls. If you are a boss of a company don’t micromanage. Allow uniqueness and individuality to shine. It shows that you are confident in who you are as a person and that people can be better than you with certain parts of the job. In church life find people who are better at you in your weaknesses so the body of Christ can grow.
Not often will you read these words but in this instance be like Pharaoh when it comes to people. Seeing gifts in others and allowing them to use those gifts not only lifts the leader up but also those who watch what is happening.
My encouragement for you today is to allow those who have gifts use them. So many people want control over everything and that is not a biblical model of leadership or how to mature people in their faith walk.
Tomorrow’s Reading Genesis 48-50