Today’s Reading Numbers 5-6
Focal Scripture: Numbers 6:22-27 ” The Lord spoke to Moses: Tell Aaron and his sons, This is how you are to bless the Israelites. You should say to them, May the Lord bless you and protect you; may the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; may the Lord look with favor on you and give you peace. In this way they will pronounce my name over the Israelites, and I will bless them.”
With all of the instructions that the Israelites have received I am sure it seemed overwhelming to them at at some point. They have been instructed how to conduct themselves, how to sacrifice, whom to appoint to certain tasks, how to approach God, and how to deal with one another. Sometimes the instructions can become a burden, even when they were for their benefit.
Then we come to the blessing that is seen here. God is telling the Israelites he notices them and has their back. Listen to what he says to them.
“I will bless you and protect you.”
“The Lord will shine his face on you and he will be gracious.”
“He will give them favor and peace.”
“His name will be pronounced over them.”
God is reminding them that he notices them, loves them, cares for them, and has their best interest at heart.
The application for this as believers today is that God is for us not matter what. Even when we are overwhelmed, God is with us. Even when life is difficult, the Holy Spirit indwells us and we can be part of his glory. When life is crazy, we can have peace through his Son. We can hang on to the promise that we belong to God.
Even though this was not written directly to us we can see the attributes of God towards his people. We can have confidence that even though his standard is high, he has given us his Son and the Holy Spirit. We can encouraged because of his character.
I challenge you today to build people up who are around you. Far to often the speech of people hurts more than it builds. It happens in one on one conversations, it happens from pulpits, and it happens in homes. As God encouraged the Israelites, he also encourages us. His expectations do not change but we know he is in our corner. The same truth must be applied in our lives. Be a Barnabas. Encourage more than you give burdens.
Tomorrow I plan on reading Numbers 7-8