Do You Have Worthless Idols in Your Life

Today’s Reading Leviticus 19-21

Focal Scripture: Leviticus 19:4 “do not turn to worthless idols or make cast images of gods for yourselves;I am the Lord your God.”

What are things that can make us unclean in our lives? One of the biggest causes of concerns that we should examine would be idols in our lives. This is exactly what the Lord is telling Moses. God is wanting Moses to understand that he and the people must be different.

Some of these differences are in behaviors and acknowledging sin. Another way God’s people are to be different is not to have idols in their lives. God is very specific here with Moses to no turn to worthless idols or to make images for themselves. God knew the journey ahead was going to be difficult. It would cause doubt. The Israelites would become frustrated and look for answers in places that they shouldn’t. God wanted them to look to him and him alone in their distress. He wanted to be the only object of their worship.

We have much to learn from this as believers. Often we give the people of Israel a bad wrap. Especially, when we are just as guilty as they are when it comes to our choices. Turning to idols can be easy. When frustration sets in and God doesn’t work on our timetable we either make idols or turn to them to get answers we are looking for to our situation.

The things we turn to can be our own wisdom, bad advice, work, family, and friends. Anything that takes the place of our worship is an idol. What consumes us the most during the day is where our hearts are pointed. I challenge you today to ask yourself if you have turned to worthless idols. In whatever situation you are facing whether positive or negative, who is on the throne of your heart.

Believers get into trouble when they believe they have it all figured out. When their own ego gets in the way. God becomes a vehicle to accomplish a task instead of the focus of worship. Idols ruin everything. They don’t last. They cause pain. They change our direction.

I pray today that nothing will get in our way of complete worship to God. Seek first his kingdom and all of his glory.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Leviticus 22-23

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