Today’s Reading 1 Kings 12-14
Focal Scripture: 1 Kings 13:33 “Even after this, Jeroboam did not repent of his evil way but again made priests for the high places from the ranks of the people. He ordained whoever so desired it, and they became priests of the high places.”
Leadership matters. When the leader is demonstrating bad qualities it affects everyone involved. Here we see kings not listening to wise council, worshiping idols, making ungodly decisions, and having no repentance. These behaviors truly affect a nation and those who are watching.
The biggest sin committed by Jeroboam was picking and ordaining just whomever to be a priest for the Lord. This was the final straw and lead to his destruction. Not following the commands of the Lord always causes problems. Again the leadership in Israel is not where it is supposed to be, it’s not pointing people to God.
The warnings keep coming in the Old Testament. Leaders who have no business leading keep acting in ways that harm themselves and others. Leaders who make evil decisions because they have hard hearts and no desire for repentance.
The application of this today is to examine yourself if you’re a leader and observe how others lead you. What I think about often in these accounts is how did the other nations think of Israel and the stories that were getting out. They were making inferences off of the behavior of the leader.
The same is true today. If the husband is not leading well, is emotional, or angry it affects the temperature of everyone else in the home. If a boss at work is critical or talks about others it encourages that behavior from others. Which then corrupts the entire culture.
Leadership matters whether at home or work. This means we all lead whether we have a title or not in our settings. So the question must be asked. What type of leader are you and what example are you demonstrating for others?
Good leaders lead others well and build them up. Bad leaders tear others down and have a bad reputation. Which are you at home, work and amongst strangers?
Tomorrow I plan on reading 1 Kings 15-17