Don’t Have a Heart Turned Away From the Lord

Today’s Reading 1 Kings 10-11

Focal Scripture: 1 Kings 11:4 “When Solomon was old, his wives turned his heart away to follow other gods. He was not wholeheartedly devoted to the Lord his God, as his father David had been.”

Solomon was wise. His wisdom gave him money and renown. He was so wise people from all over would come to see him and get guidance. One of those people was the Queen of Sheba. She was so impressed with Solomon she brought him many gifts.

Even though Solomon was wise he did not listen to the Lord. He was warned to not intermarry with other people. Not because they were different but because they would turn his heart away from the one true God. Solomon did not listen and his heart was turned. He did not follow the Lord the way he promised.

His disobedience came with severe consequences. Not only for him but for those who would come after. He worshiped other gods and his heart was turned.

What a warning for believers today. We are often instructed by the Lord to avoid certain things because it will turn our hearts away from him. These things may seem good or enticing but ultimately it will grab us and not let go.

I have no idea what that is for you. However, you know you have been clearly told that if you go after it, it will turn your heart away. It could be fame, prestige, money or even a job. It could be a relationship you desire but is not what God wants for you.

Many things can turn our hearts away from the Lord if we are not careful. We all can worship another god. It can happen without us even knowing. Especially when we rely on ourselves.

So what today is turning your heart away from the Lord or has the potential to turn your heart? When you know what it is surrender it today.

Tomorrow I plan to read 1 Kings 12-14

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