The Lord Knows Our Hearts

Today’s Reading 1 Kings 8-9

Focal Scripture: 1 Kings 8:39 “may you hear in heaven, your dwelling place, and may you forgive, act, and give to everyone according to all their ways, since you know each heart, for you alone know every human heart,”

The temple is built. The ark has made its way to the inside of the temple. Now Solomon prays to the Lord. It is heartfelt and intimate. It is also heard by the entire assembly of Israel.

At one point in his prayer Solomon acknowledges that God knows each heart and knows it well. He even implores the Lord to give to people according to their ways. That is a big prayer. It is bold and it reveals much about God’s character.

The application behind this for believers is that God knows our hearts. He knows the hearts of every human. This is an amazing fact but it also is a sobering one.

Think of the implications behind this truth. God knows the intent behind actions. He knows the desire behind our prayers. He knows the thoughts about others. He is constantly searching us and that should change how we live.

Our hearts are wicked and the Lord knows it but still listens to us anyway. He chooses to listen to our prayers even though we may not always have pure motives.

The challenge for believers is to make sure our hearts are more like Christ’s on a daily basis. We shouldn’t have agendas or plans to hurt others. No backroom conversations to orchestrate our will over God’s.

Let our hearts be pure in all that we do especially when he knows our hearts intimately.

How would you respond if your heart was revealed to everyone today?

Tomorrow I Plan on reading 1 Kings 10-11

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