How is Your Reputation

Today’s Reading 2 Kings 23-25

Focal Scripture: 2 Kings 23:25 “Before him there was no king like him who turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his strength according to all the law of Moses, and no one like him arose after him.”

Josiah was different than those before him. He mediated on the word of the Lord. He was struck by its power and made sure the people heard it proclaimed. Make no doubt Josiah was a man who made the word a priority.

Then we see the declaration. He turned his heart to the Lord. He became obedient to the law of Moses. His reputation was so great that nobody was like him ever again. People saw his heart and his passion for the word.

This is important for us today. If we are to be known for anything we must be known as people of the book. Today some people want to be known for anything else. They don’t want depth or teaching that challenges. They don’t want to be challenged by the word.

I implore all of you to have a reputation like Josiah. Be uncommon. Be consumed with the book. Know it and tell people about it all the time. Even when others try to convince you of another way remember how the word of God changes hearts and lives.

Our reputations matter. How people remember our passion for the Lord will echo through conversations. I have personally experienced people who don’t want to make the word a priority. They consider depth as an affront. Biblical depth is not only expected it is commanded.

If you meditate on the law of the Lord day and night it will permeate your being. You will be deep and those who are not will think ill of you. Have a reputation that makes much of God and his word.

Be different!

Tomorrow I plan on reading 1 Chronicles 1-2

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