Don’t Let Fear Keep You From Worship

Today’s Reading Ezra 1-3

Focal Scripture: Ezra 3:3 “They set up the altar on its foundation and offered burnt offerings for the morning and evening on it to the Lord even though they feared the surrounding peoples.”

What do you desire to do more than anything? Sometimes you don’t know what you have until you don’t have access to it anymore. This is where we find the nation of Israel. They have been exiled. Scattered from their land and their homes. The temple destroyed.

Now King Cyrus lets them back a the people start getting everything in order. For years the people have disobeyed God’s commands. They haven’t worshipped the one true God. No sacrifices have been made. Then they took the gods of other nations more serious. However, some knew the truth and wanted to sacrifice no matter what.

This truth must grasp ahold of us on a daily basis. We must be willing to worship no matter who sees us or what is costs us personally. The Israelites feared those near them but the sacrificed anyway because it was the right thing to do. They chose obedience over fear.

That attitude will create powerful and observable worship. When desire to please God is more than fear of ridicule or death, you have reached a good place.

I challenge everyone today to worship God with all that you have. I don’t mean I song or deed. I mean give God your uttermost. How we live is our greatest act of worship. It demonstrates if we truly understand how he has changed our hearts and our lives.

To worship freely means all fear it put to the side. So do you have fear or are you free?

Tomorrow I plan on reading Ezra 4-7

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