Knowing When To Take Your Stand

Today’s Reading 2 Chronicles 25-27

Focal Scripture: 2 Chronicles 26:17-18 “The priest Azariah, along with eighty brave priests of the Lord, went in after him. They took their stand against King Uzziah and said, “Uzziah, you have no right to offer incense to the Lord  — only the consecrated priests, the descendants of Aaron, have the right to offer incense. Leave the sanctuary, for you have acted unfaithfully! You will not receive honor from the Lord God.”

Knowing when to take a stand against a leader is always difficult. You want to give the leader some headway to lead but if it gets to bad it can cause irreparable damage. That is where Azaraiah finds himself. The king was behaving in ways that were ungodly and went against the Lords command.

But notice they did not waiver in doing what was right. They immediately got rid of the king and removed him from the temple. This took bold and powerful action to stand up to what is right. They understood that leaders must be stood up to when they are wrong.

This truth still applies today. Too often people sit and watch ungodly events and actions happen and do not do anything to prevent them. This inaction can and will create an environment that allows sin and pain to flourish. It is difficult to make hard decisions that affect people but if God is being disobeyed that decision has been made already for us.

The point that needs to be hammered home today is that bad leaders must be addressed and stood up to when they are wrong. Especially when there actions defile the Lord and ruin his testimony. When godly men sit idle it creates an environment with no accountability. Everyone must be held accountable for their actions. Even Kings.

So what situation do you need to address today? Obviously it must be addressed biblically. However, if it is not addressed not only is the leader sinning but also the one who allows it to happen.

Let us be different than the world and glorify God in all we do.

Tomorrow I Plan on reading 2 Chronicles 28-31

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