Exceed Expectations

Today’s Reading 2 Chronicles 9-12

Focal Scripture: 2 Chronicles 9:5-6 “She said to the king, “The report I heard in my own country about your words and about your wisdom is true. But I didn’t believe their reports until I came and saw with my own eyes. Indeed, I was not even told half of your great wisdom! You far exceed the report I heard.”

Everyone has an opinion about people we know. Sometimes these opinions are well informed, other times they are misrepresented by untruths. Regardless people have made assumptions about you before they officially meet you.

Here the Queen of Sheba heard rumors about the wisdom of Solomon. However, the rumors she heard were not even close to the truth. Solomon impressed her and showed her godly wisdom. He far exceeded her expectations.

For believers they must understand that people will have assumptions about you. They will think they know you or understand why you do what you do. All you can do is be God honoring and serve others well. Even when it is difficult.

The opposite is also true. You can ruin your reputation with how you act and behave. Many qualified people can do the job but their personality, character,attitude and interpersonal skills ruin their witness. You can’t say you love Jesus and then immediately turn around and hurt another person intentionally.

This is why having a good reputation matters. Trust me people will create narratives and give half truths about you. Especially, if they have issues with you. All you can do is stay faithful. God will honor the people who trust in him and allow for him to work.

Exceed expectations and leave a good mark. Treat people well.

Tomorrow I plan to read 2 Chronicles 13-17

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