Choose To Be Different

Today’s Reading, Psalms 1-8

Focal Scripture: Psalms 1:1 “How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers!”

The book of Psalms is an amazing book. It is actually divided up into five different books and they all play a major role. Many of the writings are laments and many are praises. They have different authors and very honest. One thing for sure is that the writers know what it is to be transparent.

In the first Psalm it is written that a person is happy when they get away from sinners and those who mock others. This seems like common sense however, many of us can be in situations that are bad and not realize it until we are out of those situations.

It is better to not get advice from those who do evil and mock others. To not be on the same path as those who chose sin over righteousness. It may be difficult to make a change or separation but you will be happy in the end.

Recently in my life I had to make a change. it was not an easy change but one that I know had to be made. I was in an environment where open sin was being tolerated and even excused. An environment where others were speaking negatively about others behind their backs but would behave another way to their face.

Schemes to hurt others and the betrayal of friends on a daily basis was astounding. The backstabbing of others was almost surreal. This environment became so devastating that it took a spiritual, mental, and physical toll on me.

However, the greatest thing I could do is to follow the Lord and not be in a place where those things are tolerated or swept under the rug.

My challenge to you is not to be in a place where sin is allowed to continue or people are mocked. It is not biblical. Expose what you know and allow those in charge to handle it appropriately. If they don’t it’s time to leave.

After all “How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers!”

Choose to be different even when it will change your situation. Obedience to the Lord and his standard is more important.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Psalms 9-16

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