Wisdom is Needed For Leadership

Today’s Reading, Proverbs 7-9

Focal Scripture: Proverbs 8:15-17 “It is by me that kings reign and rulers enact just law; by me, princes lead, as do nobles and all righteous judges. I love those who love me, and those who search for me find me.”

We all experience leaders in our lives. Sometimes these leaders are good and other times these leaders are bad. What makes the difference between a good leader and a bad leader is wisdom. Wisdom on knowing your people. Wisdom on how to handle situations. Wisdom on planning for the future.

Here Solomon clearly states that kings rule and enact just laws because of wisdom. Other rulers also must have wisdom or else they will struggle to lead the people. He also states that those who seek out wisdom will find it. That is where good leadership begins. They know they don’t know everything.

I have experienced good leaders and bad leaders. What separates the good from the bad is the willingness to admit that you don’t know everything. The willingness to admit you need wisdom to make decisions. The willingness to learn and be humble.

Following a leader who lacks wisdom is draining. They are destructive in actions and speech. They are arrogant and prideful. A leader full of wisdom is humble and patient, not angry and hostile. They know that others must be themselves to thrive. They have wisdom that comes from God.

I challenge you today to ask yourself what type of leader are you in your home, job, and personal life. If your not seeking godly wisdom your missing out on how to lead. We need more godly leaders not worldly leaders.

Embrace wisdom. Then from the wickedness.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Proverbs 10-12

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