God Deals With Us Better Than We Deserve

Today’s Reading, Psalms 103-105

Focal Scripture: Psalms 103:10 “He has not dealt with us as our sins deserve or repaid us according to our iniquities.”

As David writes these words I am sure he is thinking about his own life. David was chosen to be King and David also committed sin. He knew what it was like to be close with God and he knew what is was like to choose his own path. David knew how serious sin is to God.

However, David was shown mercy and forgiveness. David deserved death because of his sins and transgressions. He violated the law and brought shame on his house. David also ignored the statutes of God. He was a bad example of a committed follower.

Thankfully, God showed David mercy. He did not repay David back with evil or demand his life. He did not hold his sin over him. God did convict David of his sin and showed him the error of his ways, then repentance came.

The application of this verse today should bring us to our knees. God has every right to punish us severely because of our sin. Yet, in his love and his mercy he provides a way out. He holds back his righteous anger and wrath. He continually gives us opportunities to repent and follow him.

I encourage you today to thank God he does not deal with us the way he should immediately. As believers he allows us to learn and seek forgiveness. If you’re an unbeliever be encouraged that God is withholding his final judgement on you and giving you a chance to surrender to him.

We serve a merciful God who gives us more than we deserve.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Psalms 106-107

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