Today’s Reading, Jeremiah 10-13
Focal Scripture: Jeremiah 12:1 “You will be righteous, Lord, even if I bring a case against you. Yet, I wish to contend with you: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the treacherous live at ease?”
One of the hardest truths that believers ask themselves is found here. Jeremiah asks God “Why does the wicked prosper?” “Why do the treacherous live at ease.” These questions are even more difficult when you are experiencing a difficult season. Or when you are not understanding why evil people get away with ungodly acts. Especially if they are done against you, personally.
Jeremiah is experiencing a lot I these chapters. He is seeing false gods and how they are nothing like God and now Israel’s unbelief is leading them to judgement. Jeremiah is seeing wicked people be rewarded and get away with their sin. Jeremiah is looking for answers. Jeremiah wants justice for him and his people.
Jeremiah is speaking the heart language of many of us when we struggle. When we experience pain or ones we love are hurting we want them to be protected. We want the wicked to not prosper when our lives or the lives of others are falling apart. We want the evil to experience pain and not get away with their sin.
We must remember that God knows what he is doing. Suffering for the faithful is only temporary. Prosperity for the wicked is only temporary. God will sort it all out in the end. To answer the main question why do the wicked prosper, is simple. They do for a season.
As believers our promise and prosperity is eternal. We have a hope that is sufficient and never changing. Our God is with us in the difficult times and the good. Our God is faithful and will judge the wicked when it’s time.
Tomorrow I plan on reading Jeremiah 14-17