The Person the Lord Favors

Today’s Reading Isaiah 64-66

Focal Scripture: Isaiah 66:2 “My hand made all these things, and so they all came into being. This is the Lord’s declaration. I will look favorably on this kind of person: one who is humble, submissive in spirit, and trembles at my word.”

The book of Isaiah covers much ground. We see that the nation of Israel will be judged and given to her enemies. We then see that the servant will come forgive their sins and offer them hope. Then we see the future glory of the nation and the person the Lord favors. It’s an incredible journey and one that challenges the Jew and the Gentile.

In today’s reading the Lord declares the type of person he favors. He favors a person who is humble, is submissive in spirit and trembles at this word. These characteristics go against what the world says is important and makes a good leader. How often do you find a person who takes God’s word serious and is humble and submissive. Many believers I encounter demonstrate the opposite of humbleness.

The challenge for us today is to take the favorable characteristics and apply them to our lives. The other challenge is to watch out for those who act contrary to what the Lord described here. We must be careful to not be so judgmental that ministry doesn’t take place. However, we shouldn’t seek to spend the majority of our time with those who are anti biblical characteristics.

Being around those who act one way privately and another way publicly can be draining and take the joy out of fellowship. We are challenged to handle ourselves. Our goal is to take on the characteristics the Lord favors. He wants us to be humble, submissive, and tremble at his word.

Let us be a people who are highly favored and not emulate those around us who do the opposite. Being different comes at a cost but it is totally worth it in the end.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Jeremiah 1-3

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