Deceitful Lips and Hardened Hearts

Today’s Reading, Isaiah 28-30

Focal Scripture: Isaiah 29:13 “The Lord said: These people approach me with their speeches to honor me with lip-service, yet their hearts are far from me, and human rules direct their worship of me.”

Not being genuine is a problem. We all know those people who say one things with their mouths but yet have internal motives. They say what you want to hear or what will sound good but internally they scheme and don’t have your best interests in mind.

These verses are talking about people like that but on a much more serious stage. The prophet has a word come to him about Jerusalem. The Lord says that the people approach him with words to honor him. They say the right prayers and play the part. Everything on the outside looks good.

However, on the inside their hearts are far from God. What should be the closest part of their relationship is actually the most broken. They worship by the standards of men and that is not what God wants. The nation is playing a part and not all in.

The lesson here is impactful for believers. We need to make sure that we are not just worshippers with our mouths and void of heart worship. To many times people will say what is expected. They will play the part. Try will go through the motions. On the outside they meet the world’s standards.

We are called to be different. We are called to have a heart that is committed to the Lord. A heart that is close to the Lord. A relationship that is intimate and changes us from the inside out. Not a religious relationship but a Holy commitment.

The challenge for believers is to find out where you are today and everyday going forward. Are you one who says what is expected and has a distant heart? Or are you a person that is giving all your heart to the Lord? The difference will change how you view God and will change your personal life.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Isaiah 31-35

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