Leaders Affect Everyone

Today’s Reading, Ezekiel 28-30

Focal Scripture: 28:2 “Son of man, say to the ruler of Tyre, ‘This is what the Lord God says: Your heart is proud, and you have said, “I am a god; I sit in the seat of gods in the heart of the sea.” Yet you are a man and not a god, though you have regarded your heart as that of a god.”

The attitude of the leader you serve under is contagious. If the leader is stressed and angry all the time it will filter to everyone else. If the leader is calm and compassionate that will also become the personality of the people. Leaders dictate culture and the environment. If an organization is in chaos it is on the leader.

This is where we are in the reading today. The ruler of Tyre has a proud heart. They even elevated themselves to god status. Not just in how they behaved but in the attitude of their heart. This attitude and thinking brought judgement. Strangers would come in and rule over them. The leaders attitude lead the people to be punished.

Never let anyone say leadership doesn’t matter. It matters in business, home, work, school, and even in churches. The signs of a good leader are evident. They own mistakes, chaos doesn’t surround them, and people are encouraged even when corrected. I had one leader I worked with that could correct you in such a way you thanked him for so when it happened. His goal was to uplift and teach and tear down and destroy.

I have also been around leaders that are the opposite. Drama is everywhere. Tantrums and aggression are tolerated and allowed. Excuses for bad behavior abound. Which then in turn affects the entire community.

Obviously no leader is perfect. Some people don’t want to be given leadership. However, if you pay attention the rules here still apply. The leadership is affecting everyone else.

Today I want to speak to leaders. Know who you are and how you affect others. Your attitude and demeanor will drive what you lead. If you’re in chaos it’s not the people’s fault it’s yours. Great leaders take all the blame when things go sideways. They take none of the credit when things go well.

Don’t be a leader who elevates yourself. Allow God to take care of that for you. Lead like Jesus not like the world.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Ezekiel 31-33

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