Filthy To Clean

Today’s Reading, Zechariah 1-7

Focal Scripture: Zechariah 3:4 “So the angel of the Lord spoke to those standing before him, “Take off his filthy clothes!” Then he said to him, “See, I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with festive robes.”

Being dirty for a long time is not fun. If it’s only for a little while or it’s because of something planned that is different. However, if it is just days of being unclean or wearing dirty clothes it becomes draining. Not just physically but emotionally and spiritually as well. Carrying filth around can be burdensome but how wonderful it is when you get to be clean again.

This is where our reading has us today. Zechariah has a series of visions. These visions domino detail of how God is going to deal with the Israelites and how he is going to reconcile his people. God wants sin dealt with in the lives of his people and his servants. This is what today’s verse is all about. Joshua the priest is before the Lord. He needs to be made clean and righteous. The first step in this process is to remove his filthy clothes. He also removes his iniquity. To be a priest meant he had to be holy before the Lord and the people. He had to be different. This is why he went from being filthy to being clean.

I am not sure where you are today but I imagine you’re struggling with some sin in your life. I know this is not a topic that most people like to talk about but it is one that must be addressed. God is in the makeover business. He is the one that changed hearts from death to life. He is the one who makes dirty clean. He is the one who forgives sin.

Whatever it is your struggling with today give it to God. Your sin is not bigger than his forgiveness. You are never to far gone. God wants to demonstrate through you that forgiveness is possible. So if you feel like your to dirty, you are not. God will change you in remarkable ways. He will take you from being filthy to being clean.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Zechariah 8-14

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