Help My Unbelief

Today’s Reading, Mark 8-9

Focal Scripture: Mark 9:24 “Immediately the father of the boy cried out, “I do believe; help my unbelief!”

Admitting that you struggle with something is difficult for most people. This means you have to admit that you don’t have it all together or worst yet you don’t have all the answers. However, not having all the answers and acknowledging that you struggle, brings more growth than a person can understand. Especially, if you’re struggling with faith.

In our reading today we see that the disciples tried to cast out a demon from a young boy. They were unsuccessful. Jesus makes a peculiar statement. He says how long will I be with you and have to put up with you? He is calling out the disciples faith to do God’s work. This young boy was brought to Jesus. Then a powerful dialogue takes place. The father tells Jesus if you can do anything please do so. Then Jesus calls out his unbelief. The response from the father is amazing. He says “I do believe, help my unbelief.” The father admits his struggle to the only person who can help him and his son.

So where do you struggle with belief today? If we are honest there are certain areas of life we doubt that God will really work in use is in a powerful way. Maybe we struggle with a doctrine of scripture. Or we just have unbelief that God will fulfill his word. It is ok to doubt and have struggles. What is not ok is to stay there.

My challenge to you today is to tell Jesus the same statement declared by the father of the son. Help said “Help my unbelief.” We will only move from where we are when we are honest about our struggles. Jesus is more than willing to help your unbelief we just have to be willing to admit our need.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Mark 10-11

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