Nothing Can Persuade Some

Today’s Reading, Luke 14-16

Focal Scripture: Luke 16:31 “But he told him, ‘If they don’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be persuaded if someone rises from the dead.’”

Hearing truth and facts are enough to persuade some people to change their minds. This information strikes them at their core and none from one way of thinking to another. I can relate to this because I don’t rely on emotions to make decisions but what is tangible and factual. Evidence based information. I am not a believer because of emotions but because it is makes logical and factual sense.

In the reading today we see that the rich man and Lazarus are both dead. The rich man is in torment and wants someone to go to his family so they will not face the issues he is facing for eternity. Then in one of the most chilling statements in the Bible we read this statement “But he told him, ‘If they don’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be persuaded if someone rises from the dead.”

Jesus is telling this story to let them know they have heard the truth from the prophets. He then tells them that even if someone rises from the dead they would still not listen. Jesus is speaking about himself and his resurrection. He is remind the people the prophets have given truth and he will give evidence that he is the messiah. However, some people will still choose not to believe.

The truth is that even though Jesus was a real person who lived, died, was buried and rose again will not persuade them. They could witness with their own eyes the miracle of Jesus and they would still make excuses. Some would still believe a lie and choose to be separated.

The question is why would some go down that path? The answer is that it is easier to believe a lie than the truth. The lie in the world is that we are good enough and can do everything on our own. The truth is that sin comes at a cost and has to be paid. As a believer that payment comes in the person of Christ.

So if you are not sure what you believe you can trust the person and work of Christ. It is not only factual but evident all around you.

Ask a believer for an explanation and they should be more than glad to share with you their story.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Luke 17-18

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