The Heart of the Matter

Today’s Reading, Recap of the year

Focal Scripture: Luke 10:27 “He answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,” and “your neighbor as yourself.”

It has been a while since I have read through the entire Bible in a year or did it for non academic purposes. This journey has been both fulfilling and at times difficult. Fulfilling in the sense that God has demonstrated his faithfulness through his word in ways that are not humanly possible. He continues to show up even when I have doubts.

It has been difficult because at times because I have not planned my days out well. Also sometimes I have been in a hurry and not slowed down enough to mediate on what I was reading. However, God’s word did the work it is guaranteed to do in my life. It has lifted me up, convicted me, encouraged me and challenged me.

What I have learned from this endeavor is to make my time with him more intentional. God revealed to me through his word that I am neglecting intentional and purposeful prayer in my life. I need to slow down more and make prayer more important in my quiet time and in ministry.

He also revealed that to know him more intimately I must love him with all of my mind, heart, soul, and strength. I am still holding back from him. God doesn’t want part of me he wants all of me. Slowing down is going to be difficult for me because I am always busy and I’m the go. Looking for the next task to accomplish.

I also realized that I have a difficult time loving my neighbor sometimes because I do not love myself. I am not talking about self confidence. I am talking about seeing myself the way God sees me. As a person worth dying for and having his sins forgiven. This truth applied will dramatically impact how I view others and even myself.

Jesus wants all of me. This is why it is important to get the whole council of God in your lives.

I would love to hear what the Lord has done with you this year in your daily Bible reading. Leave a comment in the blog or on one of the videos. Tomorrow, we start this journey again and dive even more deeper into his word and prayer.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Genesis 1-3

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