Prepared For What’s To Come

Today’s Reading, Exodus 10-12

Focal Scripture: Exodus 12:11 “Here is how you must eat it: You must be dressed for travel, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. You are to eat it in a hurry; it is the Lord’s Passover.”

Being involved in a major event can be overwhelming. You are being told what is going to take place around the event but your mind really doesn’t comprehend the implications. I have experienced a few major events like this in my life. Both times I knew it was coming, was prepared for the change, and then had to move quickly because of the Lord’s leading.

In today’s reading Moses goes to Pharaoh one more time and tells him that death is coming if they are not released. Every first born male, human and animal, will die during the night when the Lord passes by the houses. The only exception will be homes that have door posts covered in blood.

When the Lord gave these instructions for Passover he also told the people to be dressed and ready to leave. To be prepared to move quickly. Once death arrives they will be moved out quickly. The Jewish people would plunder the Egyptians as they are rushed out of their home for the past 430 years. However, before that takes place the Passover meal will happen.

We need to take a moment to pause and reflect on this reading. Many things are happening all at once. God is demonstrating that he is greater than the Egyptian gods. He declares that death will happen in every house. Either the first born male in a home or the sacrifice to protect the people. Then in the middle of the chaos God has them prepared to leave quickly.

Why is this important? Because when God does something he thinks of every detail. He thinks about how people will be affected initially and then in the future. He cares about people being prepared.

The challenge for us is to listen to God. Especially when what we are being asked to do seems insignificant or doesn’t make sense. Just like God prepared the Jewish people for a quick exodus. He is preparing us to experience change. Our job is to listen and not question.

I am not sure where you are today but listen to God. As he prepares you for the changes of life know that you’re in perfect hands. The Jewish people are dressed and ready to move at a moments notice.

This should be the attitude and heartbeat of every believer. It shows a heart of being prepared for what’s to come.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Exodus 13-15

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