Your Beliefs Are Evident To Those Around You

Today’s Reading, Exodus 7-9

Focal Scripture: Exodus 9:30 “But as for you and your officials, I know that you still do not fear the Lord God.”

People don’t realize that they are always telling a story. It is often not with their lips but with their actions. Far too often people will speak one truth and live out another. Their actions don’t match up with their words. When this happens a persons true beliefs are revealed. What we believe is what drives our decision making.

In today’s reading we know that Moses and Aaron are going to go in front of Pharaoh as ask for the people to be released. However, God lets them know that Pharaoh is not going to listen and will harden his heart. Both by his choice and Gods. Pharaoh keeps saying he will relent and let them go, then he takes it back. Here in this verse Moses calls them out. They are saying all the right words about God, yet there no fear of the Lord.

This is an important truth for us to grasp. People can say they believe the Lord but not have a real relationship with him. They can give all the right answers and have a hard heart. They can play the part and even sound like a believer. Unfortunately, they don’t know God on a personal level and that is what makes all the difference.

People know what you believe not by what you say but by how you live. I can think of many instances where people claim to know God but they deny his existence by their lifestyle. This can happen by allowing sin to run rampant and not addressing it biblically . It can even happen when the truth is not told in situations. It especially can happen when you treat others one way privately and another way publicly.

The challenge for us is to make sure our beliefs are not in word only. Our beliefs must be backed up by our actions. If they are not we are no different than Pharaoh. We will ask for mercy and then when we get it We will go right back to how we were living in our rebellion towards God.

So I ask you today. Do you have a lifestyle that matches with what you believe? Because if you don’t there is a disconnect. Remember, the greatest evidence of a changed heart is a changed life.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Exodus 10-12

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