Faith On Display

Today’s Reading, Exodus 1-3

Focal Scripture: Exodus 2:3 “But when she could no longer hide him, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with asphalt and pitch. She placed the child in it and set it among the reeds by the bank of the Nile.”

How do we put our faith into action? I believe this is a fundamental question that everyone must answer. Too often people talk about doing hard things. They talk about the faith they must have to accomplish those goals. However, few people actually put action to what they verbalize. Faith is not just a belief. Faith is being fully committed to that belief and pursuing it completely. It is complete commitment.

In today’s reading we see that the new Pharaoh doesn’t like the Jewish people. He is concerned that they will fight against him and end his rule. His decision is to kill all of the males born to Jewish women. To throw them in the Nile. Moses mother did not listen to that decree. She gave birth to Moses, then hid him. However, when she could no longer hide him she had faith that he would be safe in a basket. She not only believed that Moses would be taken care of but actually did the hardest thing a parent can do. She let him go and had faith God would do a work.

Imagine the distress she had to be experiencing. Her love for her son and her faith in God brought about a result that most people will never experience. Her faith was rewarded. Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses and then his own mother was picked to raise him. I personally believe it was God rewarding her big faith in him.

So what does this mean for believers? It means that we need to have faith that is big. A faith that is not all talk. A faith that shows action and shows commitment. A faith that makes much of God. I want to be clear here, I am not talking about getting our wants. I am talking about a faith that points people to Jesus.

Why does this matter? Our walk as believers is all about faith. We have faith that God will deliver us. Faith he has forgiven our sins. Faith that our lives have a purpose to glorify him for all eternity. A faith that we will see him again.

I challenge you today to have a faith like Moses mother. A faith that trust in God and not yourself. Imagine the difference in our walks with the Lord if we believed he is exactly who he has demonstrated to be to the world. Our faith should be on display daily.

It can be displayed by our actions and not just our words. Our lives should declare that we have a faith that transcends this world.

How will you live today?

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Exodus 4-6

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