The Providence of God

Today’s Reading, Genesis 43-45

Focal Scripture: Genesis 45:8 “Therefore it was not you who sent me here, but God. He has made me a father to Pharaoh, Lord of his entire household, and ruler over all the land of Egypt.”

Understanding God’s providence should be an essential doctrine to learn early in the Christian walk. It deals with how God deals with creation and the created. It can get confused with sovereignty by many people. The reason that this doctrine is so important is it teaches that God does move and work in the lives of people. Events are not by chance. There are no coincidences. He is an active participant. This may bother some people because they will ask then why do bad things happen. These questions are needed and must be addressed.

In today’s reading Joseph finally reveals himself to his brothers. I am sure they were surprised. I am sure they had many questions. The brother they believed to be dead was standing in front of them. Joseph saw the bigger picture. He understood that by being sold into slavery it allowed him the opportunity to help save his family and his people. He wasn’t focused on the past, he was focused on God. All the pieces have come together. God sent him to Egypt by means of a caravan and prison.

In your life today you might be struggling to figure out what God is doing. I encourage you to trust God’s providence. Trust that he is working even in the most difficult situations. Joseph demonstrates faith in God and faith in the process. He understood suffering and life not being fair. However, he trusted the process. He trusted that God orchestrated his steps whether positive or negative.

The challenge for us is to trust God when we can’t see the big picture. I have had to learn that personally this year. Being able to experience what I have I know that he has orchestrated every step. Even the painful ones. It has matured me and grown my faith.

My prayer for you is to have a faith like Joseph. Know that God has you right where you need to be in your life. You might just be there not for yourself but for others. Take all of this as a lesson in faith and trust.

God knows what he is doing. The providence of God gives peace when you rest in it daily.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Genesis 46-47

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