Always Be Prepared To Give An Answer

Today’s Reading, Genesis 41-42

Focal Scripture: Genesis 41:39 “So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one as discerning and wise as you are.”

Have you ever been unprepared for a situation? Maybe you were asked a question and didn’t know what to do, or you could be able to help someone out but you hesitated. I know in my personal life I have missed opportunities to speak about things I know well. I want to be clear here, sometimes we don’t need to speak, especially if we are not familiar with a topic. What I am speaking about is answering questions and speaking on topics that we are gifted in and knowledgeable about. Then being confident that we are giving good and godly answers in those situations.

In today’s reading we see that Joseph is given an opportunity to speak to Pharaoh. He has been called up from the dungeon. He was cleaned up, given new clothes and given a shave. Then he was asked to answer Pharaoh after he explained the dream. Joseph, first tells him that God is the one who interprets dreams. Joseph then listens to the dream, interprets the dream and then gives a solution to the dream. Joseph was prepared to answer what he could and speak with knowledge and wisdom. Joseph was confident that he could offer help.

You might be asking what is the point of this devotional highlight today? It is to demonstrate that we all have talents. We are all knowledgeable in some area and as believers we need to use that to bring glory to God. Think of the opportunities where we could use our insight to not only help others but bring people face to face with God.

We see it all the time if we pay attention. Athletes do it after games. Actors after an award. Knowledgeable people in history and linguistics can answer difficult questions and bring glory to God.

Now let’s make this more practical for the everyday person. You might be thinking I have nothing I can offer. I don’t have book knowledge. I disagree with you. Maybe you are a HVAC worker who can answer questions that others can’t. Maybe you know the healthcare industry and can give life saving suggestions. Whatever, your gifting use it to help others and bring glory to God.

I pray that you will find ways to meet the needs of others and be prepared to answer those who need help. You never know when those conversations can be an avenue to tell others about your faith.

Use your passions and your mind to bring glory to God.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Genesis 43-45

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