Live A Life That People Notice

Today’s Reading, Genesis 38-40

Focal Scripture: Genesis 39:23 “The warden did not bother with anything under Joseph’s authority, because the Lord was with him, and the Lord made everything that he did successful.”

If we are honest we all would admit that we like to be noticed for things we do in our lives. It doesn’t have to be in a spectacular way, it can be a simple gesture. Being told you’re appreciated or trusted because of your work ethic. Or being told that someone saw something nice you did even though you thought it was private. Most people work very hard and getting complimented or noticed builds you up more than just about anything.

In today’s reading we see Joseph being elevated in his life. First, with Potiphar’s house, then when he is in prison. People noticed that the Lord was with him. His work was done well and he was prosperous. He served faithfully and he served with integrity. Everywhere he went he was entrusted with decision making and trust. What better compliment than to be trusted to handle situations without telling anyone else why you are making those decisions. Joseph lived a life that people noticed.

So that brings us to the main question today. What do people notice about your life? Do you live on mission with God? Does your character match up with your beliefs? Would people say that God is with you? These questions should make us ask relevant and difficult questions about our lives. We must be aware that people are watching. People want to see a different lifestyle. People of character that point them to Jesus.

Our challenge today is to bring glory to God in all that we do in our lives. When we work, bring glory to God. When we suffer, bring glory to God. When we lead, bring glory to God. Joseph lived a life that made secular people ask questions. They noticed a difference and it caused them to want that difference in their lives.

Our goal is to be faithful like Joseph and live life where God is glorified and for people to notice that he changes lives.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Genesis 41-42

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