An Unexpected Reunion

Today’s Reading, Genesis 32-34

Focal Scripture: Genesis 33:4 “But Esau ran to meet him, hugged him, threw his arms around him, and kissed him. Then they wept.”

Have you ever gotten into your own head when thinking about situations? Sometimes we think about all of the possibilities and then we talk ourselves into a stressful situation. For instance, when someone tells you they need to meet with you and talk. Most people start thinking about what the issue could be instead of realizing it’s probably going to be just fine in the long run.

In today’s reading Jacob makes his journey home. He hears that his brother (whom he deceived) knows he is coming. Jacob designs a plan to have groups go ahead so that way he can determine what Esau will do. When the brothers finally meet up it is a joyous situation. Esau is excited to see his brother. He runs to him and weeps when he embraces him. Jacob was worried for no reason.

Will this always be the case when situation like this arise? No, but Jacob should have expected this reaction. The reason I mention this is because God was directing his path. God wanted him to go home. Even though Jacob was scared of the meeting.

The challenge for us as believers is to completely trust God and his plan. This reunion was ordained by God. Jacob was making his own story. He was exposing his own feelings. However, God wanted Jacob to be obedient.

I am not sure what you are facing today. It could seem like an impossible situation. Since God can move in this relationship he can move in any relationship. It might seem dark now but trust that God can move in the hearts of people. Never forget he is in the life changing business.

Let this unexpected reunion give you hope. Don’t create your own narrative but trust Gods plan.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Genesis 35-37

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