Headed Home

Today’s Reading, Genesis 30-31

Focal Scripture: Genesis 31:3 “The Lord said to him, “Go back to the land of your ancestors and to your family, and I will be with you.”

Returning to a place that has your heart is always welcome. You remember a place for the good things that happened. You also remember a place because of what it taught you while you were there. I can tell you from personal experience that going home to where it all started is a journey especially when God leads you the entire time. I have learned to embrace the good and the bad in my journeys when God is involved.

In today’s reading we see that Jacob is told to go home by the Lord. He becomes aware that Laban is now against him so he decided to take his family and possessions and leave. His time with Laban has been difficult and he needed to separate from the situation because of the hostility. Even in this God was with Jacob. God provided guidance and protection. Even in the midst of a difficult journey he was being lead by God.

The point of today’s reading is to remember that God knows best. God understands our situations and he knows what we need. Even when it seems difficult and impossible, God will direct our path to get us where he wants us in this life. Our challenge is to trust God and to trust the process.

Personally, this story hits home. God brought us home. It has absolutely been the right decision. However, by coming home we had to experience many negative things. I even had to leave a position I didn’t want to leave because of spiritual abuse and people hiding the truth. However, God was with us the entire time. We are in a better place now than ever before. God has opened up more ministry opportunities than was ever expected. God has been with us and protected us through difficult times. We now get to experience what good leadership looks like, even from lost people.

The take away from today is to trust God in the process. Trust him where and how he leads. The road may get difficult but in the end it will take you right where you need to be in this life. God the great provider knows what he is doing.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading 32-34

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