Intentional Lies

Today’s Reading, Genesis 25-26

Focal Scripture: Genesis 26:7 “When the men of the place asked about his wife, he said, “She is my sister,” for he was afraid to say “my wife,” thinking, “The men of the place will kill me on account of Rebekah, for she is a beautiful woman.”

Being lied to is one of the worst things that can happen to you as a person. Especially, when it is premeditated and done with malice. It is one thing for someone to be mistaken and claim something as true. It is quite another for a person to think, plan, put into practice and hide a statement from the truth. I know personally when someone lies to me I lose all trust for them. I lose the ability to trust what they say in the future. I also question their motives behind everything they do when I speak with them.

In our focal verse today we see Isaac lie to Abimelech about his wife. What are the chances that Isaac and his father both lie to the King of the Philistines. Both said that their wives were their sisters. They both made the excuse they did it because they were afraid what would happen. Abraham was found out because God delivered a dream to Abimelech. Isaac was exposed because he was caught caressing his wife as the King looked down from his window. Scholars are not clear if this was the same king but no matter what the reputation of these God worshippers was not good in this region.

Just like Abraham and Isaac we all will be tempted to lie. Our intentions may be good and genuine. However, our reputation matters more than our intentions. If we have a pattern of lying it will be revealed. It will also influence our those around us. We don’t know for sure because the Bible doesn’t tell us but it is highly probable that Abraham’s character of lying rubbed off on Isaac.

The challenge for us as believers is to be honest no matter what, no matter the consequences. I am not talking about being rude or being blunt to get a point across. I am talking about people being able to trust our conversations. This applies to answering questions truthfully. Not being prone to exaggeration in stories. Standing up and exposing others who are not being biblical.

Let us be known as people who speak truthfully and can be trusted. Let’s not ruin our testimony just because things are difficult around us for a season. Let’s us be known as men and women of truth.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Genesis 27-29

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