Broken People

Today’s Reading, Genesis 19-21

Focal Scripture: Genesis 20:5 “Didn’t he himself say to me, ‘She is my sister’? And she herself said, ‘He is my brother.’ I did this with a clear conscience and clean hands.””

Living this life makes it clear that we are all broken people. We are all people with a bent towards sin in our lives. Some people who claim to be believers make very poor choices. Others whom are not believers can make good choices. Our hearts make sinful decisions and we can try to justify our actions. One thing is true that we all have the ability and to make decisions that affect ourselves and others.

In today’s reading we see everyone involved make bad choices. Abraham and Sarah try to justify their lie concerning their marriage. Abimelech tried to promote his goodness but had no sanctity for marriage. Everyone in this story was justifying their sin and their poor choices.

Why do I bring this up in our daily Bible reading? I bring it up because the Bible doesn’t keep it PG. The Bible is full of broken people who make bad decisions. It is filled with lost people like Abimelech trying to justify their position. The Bible is telling a story that people are broken. The Bible is demonstrating that people need a savior and everyone is capable of sin.

So what does this mean for us? It means that we must be aware that we can commit sin after God changes our lives. It means that we are one decision away from setting a bad example. It means we are in a battle to fight against sin. It means are brokenness is something we must continually give up to God.

Our struggles on this Earth don’t end when we get saved. They actually become more when you push to live a godly lifestyle. The solution is to always humble ourselves and have people who will hold us accountable to Gods standard.

Because we are broken we must lean on the one who can deliver us from our temptation to do wrong. Sin is ever before us and it wants to destroy us. Let us remember our broken state but lean on our perfect Savior.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Genesis 22-24

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