Rest Well From Your Work

Today’s Reading, Genesis 1-3

Focal Scripture: Genesis 2:2 “On the seventh day God had completed his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.”

Completing great things is a great feeling. You put countless hours and effort into a task and when you finish you are happy but also understand your need for some time to reflect and rest. In my personal life I accomplished a goal that felt like it would never come to completion. It was hours and years of my life that was worth the effort but also at times exhausting. I need rest and I am taking some time to regain my mindset and be prepared mentally for the future endeavors I have.

I can tell you from being in ministry that most pastors don’t rest and rarely do churches offer rest to their pastors who need time to regroup and be spiritually healthy. In no way am I advocating laziness from ministers but I am advocating boundaries and biblical rest to reflect on what is happening in their lives.

In today’s reading we see that God was busy making the heavens and the Earth. He was involved in all of creation and worked well. When he was finished with his goal of creation he rested. This word rest in Hebrew means to cease or to stop. It is a time of reflection and God reflected on what he made and that it was very good. He took time to enjoy his creation. He took time to stop and gaze upon what he did for the universe.

Our takeaway as believers to examine what we have accomplished once we have finished our work. We need to look and see if our work is good and pleasing to the Lord. Since today is the start of a new year I hope you take time to examine what you have done throughout the year. Have you honored God? Are you closer with God and your family than you were a year ago? Would God say that your life and work has been very good.

A simple way to assess our work is to examine if our decisions and leadership has left things better than when we began. If the answer is no, then a deep dive must take place. This is when rest is needed, biblically. This is when we must stop and ask ourselves if God is pleased with our life, leadership, and lifestyle.

I challenge you today to assess your life. Take time to rest biblically and see if what you have done aligns with the Bible and God’s word. I can tell you from always being goal oriented that this is a discipline that reveals much about you spiritually. It will make you lean on God. It will challenge you to know yourself and how God created you.

At the beginning of the year our families and churches need people who are self aware.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Genesis 4-7

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