The Lord Who Meets Our Needs

Today’s Reading, Exodus 16-18

Focal Scripture: Exodus 17:7 “He named the place Massah and Meribah because the Israelites complained, and because they tested the Lord, saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?”

Have you ever known people that complain all the time? They can be very draining. No matter the situation they find something to complain about even when positive things take place. It gets even worse when these types of people complain about others. They talk about them behind their backs but then act like everything is good to their face. It creates a negative environment and it kills the culture that is present. Eventually, if not checked the entire family or organization will be infected with the negativity.

In today’s reading this is what we see with the Israelites. They complained about their plight in Egypt and God delivered them from their struggle. Once they were delivered they wanted to go back. Then they watched God do a miraculous work and deliver them from the Egyptians. However, they started complaining again about food and water. They blamed Moses and didn’t trust God to provide to meet their needs.

The great thing about God is that he always meets our needs. Even when we complain and question him in our daily life. This is what happens with the nation of Israel. They complain about food and he provides quail and manna. Notice though that it is only enough for their daily needs. Then he provides water from the rock. He doesn’t provide an abundance but he shows them that he is the one they can trust.

You might be going through a struggle right now in your life. It is easy to complain and not see what God is doing in you and around you. Our challenge is to not let circumstances dictate how we view God. We must not be like the Israelites. We need to have a trust in God that brings hope to others.

Our goal is to not be remembered like the Israelites in our focal verse today. Our goal is to be remembered like this.

“He names the place faith and trust because the Israelites believed God and they trusted the Lord, saying “The Lord is always with us!””

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Exodus 19-21

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