Preparation For Battle

Today’s Reading, Numbers 1-2

Focal Scripture: Numbers 2:34 “The Israelites did everything the Lord commanded Moses; they camped by their banners in this way and moved out the same way, each man by his clan and by his ancestral family.”

Being prepared for the future is important. Especially when the Lord is giving clear instructions on how to be prepared and get organized. I know personally I like to be prepared. When I plan events or activities it is usually done a year in advance. Even my teaching was planned out a year in advance. I would break down each week with a title and a point of emphasis. I did this because I like to know the direction God was leading but to also show the people I was leading that preparation is important.

In today’s reading God tells the Israelite community to take a census. He has them count every male 20 years of age and older from each tribe. He then breaks these groups into military factions and places them in specific spots. Why does God do this? To prepare them for battles that will come in the future. He wanted them to be on alert and prepared.

So what about you today? Are you prepared for the future? I am not talking about stressing about life and not trusting God. I am also not talking about having every lil detail planned out. I want you to focus on God’s instruction in your life and are you preparing to follow his commands.

You might be saying, “What do I need to prepare for?” We need to be preparing to engage the world around us and for spiritual battle. God has asked us to know his word. He has asked us to share our faith. Paul taught to prepare for spiritual battle was extremely important. We do these things by humbly following God and submitting our will to his everyday.

Life is difficult. We need to be prepared for battle both mentally and spiritually. Our enemy is prowling around looking for those he can destroy. The ones he likes to go after are the ones who are not prepared.

Don’t be like that in your life. Obey God and prepare yourself for the battles that will come around.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Numbers 3-4

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