The Practice of Self Denial

Today’s Reading, Leviticus 22-23

Focal Scripture: Leviticus 23:27 ““The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. You are to hold a sacred assembly and practice self-denial; you are to present a food offering to the Lord.”

What do you deny yourself of in your life? I know personally I have had to learn to do a better job of this in my life. One of the most difficult areas has been denying myself sweet treats. It might not sound like much but at times it has been very difficult. Even though I want it I can’t have it anymore. This is not a punishment but a practice of self denial so I can be healthy and have a clear mind. I had to learn how to discipline myself for my future.

In today’s reading God tells the nation of Israel to hold a sacred assembly and practice self denial. The reason being is that self denial requires much from a person. Your mind has to be disciplined. Your heart has to be completely committed to the larger goal. Here the nation of Israel needed to be focused on the day of atonement. A day that emphasized how God moves and works amongst his people. He wanted them to deny themselves and be focused on his majesty.

So what does this mean for believers today? It means that believers must know that self denial is needed to live the Christian walk. For instance, you may be want to do certain things that seem good but you know it goes against scripture. You then have to make a decision to deny what you want to do for what you need to do. Self denial requires a commitment

So my question for you today is what do you need to deny yourself? What do you need to no longer be involved in that distracts you from who Lord is in your life. This question should be deep and it should penetrate your heart. This practice of self denial brings a person face to face with what controls them or dominates their thinking.

So what has priority in your life besides God? Are you willing to deny yourself of this desire so you can be better prepared to follow after God. I want you to know that no matter where you are we all have something we need to deny. I encourage you today to find out what it is and deny it from ruling over you. Pray for God to help you. Pray for God to give you godly friends to encourage you. Pray for the wisdom to know how God wants to redeem you from your distractions.

When we deny our wants we come face to face with our creator. No distractions and no excuses.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Leviticus 24-25

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