Cleanliness Matters

Today’s Reading, Leviticus 14-15

Focal Scripture: Leviticus 15:31 ““You must keep the Israelites from their uncleanness, so that they do not die by defiling my tabernacle that is among them.”

Toddlers are cute and cuddly. Often you want to just grab them, hug them, and pinch them. They even smell good, most of the time. However, even with all the cuteness toddlers are not that clean. They will grab anything and try to put it in their mouth. Then they will try to give it to you to put in your mouth. Then there is potty training. Let’s just say if not being clean was an Olympic sport toddlers would win then gold.

In today’s reading we see some strange rules. They are all about being clean and how to get clean. God is telling the people that not being clean will not allow them to be around their family and friends. It will also keep them from being in his presence. Their uncleanliness would defile the tabernacle. It would cause a separation. It would cause a break in fellowship.

So why does this matter to us? You may be thinking that this only applies to the Old Testament believers. However, you would be wrong. Being clean matters to us very much. We may not have to commit sacrifices or be separated because of blood, semen, or food that makes us unclean. What we must remember though is that we are unclean. Our hearts our wicked. We are need of a sacrifice to make us right before God just like the Israelites.

The good news is that our sacrifice came down from heaven. He knew how depraved and unclean we are, so he provided himself as our offering. I believe that most people accept the gift that was offered by Christ and never really dwell on it for long.

God took on flesh and became our sacrifice. He knew that blood was the only way to have unclean sinners forgiven. He knew that animal sacrifices were temporary. He even knew that people needed more than a ritual to appease rules. His solution was to die for us. To redeem us from death. To make us clean by being washed in his blood.

If you are unclean today go to the only person who can make you clean for eternity. Jesus does better than all of the OT sacrifices combined. Jesus makes us clean not only on the outside but also the inside.

Have you been cleansed today? If not you can be!

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Leviticus 16-18

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