Today’s Reading, Jeremiah 18-22
Focal Scripture: Jeremiah 20:9 “I say, “I won’t mention him or speak any longer in his name.” But his message becomes a fire burning in my heart, shut up in my bones. I become tired of holding it in, and I cannot prevail.”
Being compelled to say something is a very scary and amazing circumstance to be involved with. On one hand you have something to say that is important. It needs to be said and you feel it in your bones to speak the truth. On the other hand you know what you have to say will probably not be received very well. So you have hesitation. After all nobody looks forward to making people upset or causing problems.
This is where we find Jeremiah today. The Lord has given him multiple messages to tell the people. Some of hope and some of judgement. Jeremiah’s job is to be bold and faithful to the word of the Lord. Here we see that he tries not to say what the Lord has given him. However, it overwhelms him. The message becomes a fire in his heart. It comes from deep within. He must proclaim the message of the Lord.
The application today is very specific. It is hard to explain to those who are not called to preach the process that takes place in the mind and heart of the preacher. First, there is a compulsion to preach. It comes from deep within. Personally, it is an obsession that I long to do daily. Next, is the realization that the message may not be well received. A faithful preacher declares the whole counsel of God. From the love to the judgements. He understands that his job is to preach the truth and leave the rest to God.
The challenge for today is that many people don’t proclaim God’s truth but a version that makes them comfortable. They tell stories and talk. The preacher is burdened to tell others about God. His wonders, his love, his judgement. The preacher has a desire that is God given.
The crux of today is this. Pray for your pastor that he will be biblical and not give into schemes. That he will not be a story teller but a preacher. Than those who feel called to preach ask yourself is this something you are compelled to do in your life. Does it burn inside of you?
I have noticed over the years that we have many people who claim to be preachers and they are anything but. In my opinion that is the number one issue with the church today. Men in the pulpit who are not prepared and burdened to speak the truth.
After all we should declare like Jeremiah that the message is burning in our hearts and I must speak it publicly.
If you feel this call reach out to someone and talk it through. It is an amazing journey.
Tomorrow I plan on reading Jeremiah 23-25