Today’s Reading, Numbers 3-4
Focal Scripture: Numbers 3:4 “But Nadab and Abihu died in the Lord’s presence when they presented unauthorized fire before the Lord in the Wilderness of Sinai, and they had no sons. So Eleazar and Ithamar served as priests under the direction of Aaron their father.”
Leaders in God’s service have a large task ahead of them. They are judged more ferociously by God. They must always be prepared and ready to answer for their actions. That is honestly one of the scariest and most humbling parts of being in ministry. I know I will give an account for every word I preach from the pulpit, at home, and to others. Because make no doubt God’s standards for my life don’t change on my location.
In today’s reading we see that Aaron’s sons were killed when they brought unauthorized fire before the Lord. If you remember in Leviticus God was very clear and specific about how priests should act and function in the temple. He laid everything out for them and how it should be done. Aaron’s sons violated this standard and profaned the temple. Their consequence was death.
This may seem harsh but Gods standard is strong and mighty. He expects his servant to be prepared and to follow his commands. You might be reading this and think it’s over the top. You might even be saying “So what?” The reason we all should care is because God is holy. Since he is holy he is the only one that can rightfully dish out judgement on others. This judgement even applies to the priests that serve the Lord.
Today’s post is very specific and it calls out spiritual leaders. When leaders do not lead biblically judgement will come. They might be punished like these priests for defaming the temple. Or they might be judged later when they meet Jesus at the his judgement seat.
You should have a high standard for those who lead the church. They must be men of integrity. Men who treat others well. Men who love the flock. They must be a people who act the same way publicly and privately. People that worship God with reckless abandon. Men who build others up and not gossip behind peoples backs.
If church leaders lived under this expectation churches would look entirely different. Why because they would lead knowing that God is watching everything that they do because they represent him on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter if they are before an altar or before a table.
If you’re a church leader, especially a pastor God expects much from you. Live and lead under his authority or you might end up like Aaron’s sons. However, no matter what you will be judged before Christ.
Tomorrow, I plan on reading Numbers 5-6