Applying Lessons Learned From The Lord

Today’s Reading, Joshua 22-24

Focal Scripture: Joshua 23:6 ““Be very strong and continue obeying all that is written in the book of the law of Moses, so that you do not turn from it to the right or left”

Wise people learn from previous lessons. Unwise people keep making the same mistakes over and over. This is seen in relationships, in work, and even in communication with other people. Sadly, we have all made very unwise decisions in our lives. I am sure you are thinking of a time where you kept having to learn the same lesson again and again until it finally hit home with you. We all have moments where we are unwise. However, the goal is not to stay in that cycle.

In today’s reading we see Joshua learn from his early days as a leader. If you remember in Joshua 1, God told him numerous times to be strong and courageous. To trust the Lord in everything and to have a mind that was God focused. Now in his last days as he speaks to the people he tells them to be strong and to not depart from the Lords teaching. This lesson was applied from Joshua’s early days and it has made a profound impact on his life and leadership.

The challenge for us as believers is to make sure we are learning biblical principles and applying them to our lives daily. Far too often scripture confronts us with something that needs to be changed and nothing happens. A person who can hear and understand that scripture demands a life change and doesn’t do it, does not show fruit of repentance. This person needs to have a new heart before anything else can begin.

As believers we must be willing to learn from what the Lord teaches us. Life lessons that are rooted in biblical principles should fundamentally change how we live life. We must be aware of our blind spots. We must be like Joshua and apply the Lords teaching to our lives and to future situations.

So what lesson are you learning or do you need to learn today. It is time to submit our minds and our hearts to the Lord.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Judges 1-2

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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