Complainers, Whiners, and Negative People Cause A Plethora of Problems

Today Reading Numbers 11-13

Focal Scripture: Numbers 13:32-33 “So they gave a negative report to the Israelites about the land they had scouted: The land we passed through to explore is one that devours its inhabitants, and all the people we saw in it are men of great size. We even saw the Nephilim there – the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim! To ourselves we seemed like grasshoppers, and we must have seemed the same to them.”

These three chapters are a difficult read. For a while we have seen God’s expectations for the people of Israel to come to him in worship. We have seen how the priests must be prepared to lead in worship. Conduct has been explained and how they were to be fed was given in great detail. Then it begins.

The Israelites became a people who had nothing positive to say and complained about everything that the Lord provided. They were unhappy with the manna. They were unhappy God delivered them from their bondage. The burden worse Moses down. Thankfully God provided people to help him carry the load.

Then Moses sent out the scouts to Canaan. They witnessed how great the land was and even the food it produced. Then they gave their report and it turned the people away because of the people who lived there. However, Caleb was excited and wanted to take the land immediately. Then the complainers, whiners, and negative people rose up and turned what should have been a joyous day into a day of doubt and negativity.

There is lots to learn for us from these three chapters. First, when God makes a promise we need to trust him that he will keep it. Regardless of what our eyes may see. Faith in his word should propel us to great acts. Next, we see how negative people can change an entire nations trajectory. These are people to look out for in your personal life.

This also applies to church life. To many times the complainers, whiners, and negative people stop great things from happening. They complain about the pastor or they do not like the direction something is going so they begin to turn the people to think like them. This is a plague that can infiltrate your life and a church quickly and cause much pain.

To avoid this one must not do as the scouts did and report how they felt but to report what God had promised. This is the difference between a healthy person and a person who relies on feeling. It is also the difference in a healthy church and a church that can look healthy on the outside but on the inside is rotting from unbelief.

I challenge you to be people who hold true to God’s promises. Trust that he will do what he says. I also challenge you to call out people who are negative, whine, and complain. This has no place in life and it definitely has no place in church.

So the next time you hear these words “Hey, can you believe that _______ did ________?” Call it out and ask this question instead “Is this person submitted to Christ? If so lets find out where God is leading them?”

Trust God over Feelings.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Numbers 14-15

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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