Do You Believe The Lord?

Today’s Reading, Genesis 12-15

Focal Scripture: Genesis 15:6 “Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.”

If we are honest all of us believe things that are pretty difficult to comprehend. I would bet some of you have some pretty big conspiracy theories that you hold onto and think are true. For instance some people believe that Bigfoot is real. They read books on the topic and can even have a detailed conversation. They believe that this being is real and will argue to that point passionately. They will not be persuaded otherwise.

In today’s reading we see this short phrase that has a big impact. Abram believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. Abram heard what God said and believed that it would happen. He did not doubt and he did not question. Abram believed God would do what he said. He had complete faith. Because of his faith Abram was credited with righteousness or right standing. He believed God so much it was a saving faith.

The question for us today is do we believe in the Lord? I ask that because many people say they believe until it has to be demonstrated. For instance you can say you have faith that God has your best interest in mind but do you live that out when things are falling apart? Or you say you believe that the Bible is the word of God but you don’t read it or apply it to your life. Belief requires total commitment.

So that is the challenge today for you and me in our faith walk. Are you totally committed to the Lord? Do you have such a strong belief in the Lord that it would be credited to you as righteousness? I believe in our western culture belief is circumstantial. It is convenient not a desire from the heart. How can I say this? Think of the number of people who thought they were saved but realized later they were not when they examined their life.

Do you truly believe in the Lord? Do you have a faith like Abram? Or do you believe because that’s what is expected from you? I encourage you to examine the reasons behind your faith today.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Genesis 16-18

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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