Doing Right When Others Won’t

Today’s Reading 2 Chronicles 28-31

Focal Scripture: 2 Chronicles 31:20-21 “Hezekiah did this throughout all Judah. He did what was good and upright and true before the Lord his God. He was diligent in every deed that he began in the service of God’s temple, in the instruction and the commands, in order to seek his God, and he prospered.”

Being a person of integrity matters. Being a man who leads others to the Lord matters. Having an attitude that is good and upright speaks volumes of who you are on the inside. Being diligent in your service to the Lord shows how he has changed your life.

When you seek the Lord you will prosper. How that looks will vary from person to person. However, what you can trust is that God will be looking out for you even when things are difficult. Because when you decide to serve the Lord others will be unhappy with that decision.

Doing right when others won’t is a difficult experience. This can happen in many ways in our lives. Maybe people at work are stealing items and want you to join. Or people are talking about another person. In these situations you have a choice to make.

This also applies to how we approach worship. To often worship is just something that happens. It has no deep thought and meaning. This happens with the songs that are song and with the messages that are spoken. Sticking to biblical principles is difficult. But it is necessary for the health of the church.

I encourage you today to trust the Lord. Do right even when others won’t. Don’t be persuaded to cheapen the standards of worship. Fight the battle because it’s worth it everyday.

Tomorrow I Plan on Reading 2 Chronicles 32-34

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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