Don’t Delay the Promise God Has Given

Today’s Reading Joshua 16-18

Focal Scripture: Joshua 18:3 “So Joshua asked the Israelites, “How long will you delay going out to take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, gave you?”

The inheritance and land is being given out to the Israelites. Joshua is giving specific instructions on where clans will take possession and the boundaries they will have for their specific groups.

Waiting for promises to be fulfilled can be very difficult. However, the Israelites are still waiting to take possession by choice. They know what to do but they haven’t done it. So what is the reasoning they have? Sometimes it is easy to be stuck where you are currently.

From personal experience I can attest stepping out in faith to take what is yours can be scary. Often people will try to stop you at all cost. They will demean you, criticize you, make allegations against you and try to tear you down. The reasoning can be many and that reasoning can be personal.

I want to encourage you today to take possession of what God has promised. This is not health and wealth, it is stepping out in faith and knowing what you’re called to do and following it with all that you have.

Do not delay. Do not let fear keep you from what others want to take from you. When you are following God and great things are taking place the enemy will attack. It will come from all directions. It will even be personal. The enemy is a liar. Allow God to speak and fight on your behalf.

I am walking through this journey today to trust in promises he has given. Have confidence in God and trust in his sovereignty.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Joshua 19-21

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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