Everything Can Change In One Generation

Today’s Reading, Judges 1-2

Focal Scripture: Judges 2:11-12 “The Israelites did what was evil in the Lord’s sight. They worshiped the Baals and abandoned the Lord, the God of their ancestors, who had brought them out of Egypt. They followed other gods from the surrounding peoples and bowed down to them. They angered the Lord,”

How passionate are we about our faith? Do we teach it to our children like their future and others hang in the balance? I know for some families they will pass down traditions and teachings that are not that important. They will explain why a certain college is better than others. They will explain recipes that have been handed down from generations past and make sure they never get lost in the business of life. However, faith becomes optional.

In today’s reading the Bible tells us that after Joshua there was one generation who did right in the sight of the Lord. After that generation they began to do evil. They worshipped other gods. They bowed down to them and gave them their allegiance. They forgot what the Lord of hosts has done for them. The scary part of this truth is it only took one generation to go from passion to apathy.

What we need to learn from this truth is that our teaching and passion for God matters to our families and even our fellow countrymen. My challenge to you and myself is how do we share the teachings of God with others and make them stick. The answer is we have to be intentional. It also has to be authentic. In my personal opinion it is the apathy of faith that turns a generation from the Lord.

When families, friends and society sees professing believers not live out their faith it turns them off. It demonstrates an attitude of just going through the motions. It symbolizes that faith in God is something to do not something to be passionate about on a daily basis.

I challenge you today to intimately know God. To teach his truth with fervor and passion. The future of the faith in our families hangs in our approach. We must be willing to share our faith more than we share other stories and passions.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Judges 3-5

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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