Faithful To Speak

Today’s Reading, Acts 27-28

Focal Scripture: Acts 28:24 “Some were persuaded by what he said, but others did not believe.”

How are you with having conversations with others? I know personally if I do not know you well I am pretty reserved. I usually keep to myself and don’t discuss much with anyone. The only time that changes is when I am sharing my faith or talking about what I believe. I am passionate about that topic and love to share with others the hope that I have. I especially love to speak about the deep things of God when it comes to theology.

In today’s reading Paul has been shipwrecked, bitten by a snake and put down by the religious leaders. However, Paul stayed in Rome and boldly told people about Christ. He knew what we all must learn. Some will be persuaded to a saving faith and others will not. Paul used his background, intellect and his life to persuade people. What he used the most to persuade people is Christ himself. He pointed others to the main thing.

So what does it his mean for us? It means that we must be faithful to speak. It means that we must try to persuade people that what they believe, if not biblical, has consequences. We must learn how to have gospel conversations with others. We must be willing to go places and share our faith. We must make this a lifestyle.

I challenge you today to share your story. Share it with everyone. Try to persuade them to follow Christ. Far too often we are passive about our faith. Don’t be mean or a jerk but be passionate. I often see people talk about Jesus and it looks like they could be talking about anything.

Jesus should change how we talk and why we talk. If you are more reserved pray for opportunities. I promise God will grant them to you! Let’s be faithful to speak and demonstrate the greatness of God.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Romans 1-4

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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