Fear Of The Lord Is Wisdom

Today’s Reading, Job 24-28

Focal Scripture: Job 28:28 “He said to mankind, “The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom. And to turn from evil is understanding.””

We are all looking for wisdom. Job was definitely looking for wisdom considering all he has gone through. Thankfully, Job knew where to get wisdom. He says that having a fear of the Lord is wisdom.

Job right now has a healthy fear of the Lord. He knows that God is in control of all his circumstances. He understandss that wisdom comes from this biblical fear. It also drives him to have a deeper faith with God.

Having the right view of God matters. Too often people approach God like he is a genie or just a person they see everyday. They don’t understand that biblical fear is not only needed but expected. This fear leads to greater worship.

You may be saying why should I fear the Lord? He is feared because of his greatness and his majesty. We see many examples of this in scripture. When God shows up people fall down and worship. They are afraid of his holiness because it is to much to bear.

The application is obvious. We need to get more reverent about God. Yes, he is our friend but he is also our powerful savior. This right perspective will shape our theology of God in ways that will bring us into a deeper relationship. It will also impact others around us as we live our lives.

So do you fear the Lord? Or do you approach him as just another god?

Your answer will determine your theology and it matters.

Tomorrow I plan to read Job 29-31

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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