Good Character Matters

Today’s Reading Ruth 1-4

Focal Scripture: Ruth 2:1 “Now Naomi had a relative on her husband’s side. He was a prominent man of noble character from Elimelech’s family. His name was Boaz.”

The book of Ruth starts out with “during the time of the judges.” The reign of the judges served a purpose. However, most of the leaders were corrupt and had very poor character.

Now the opposite has taken place. Boaz is described as having noble character. In other words you can trust him and what he has to say. His character is demonstrated in every conversation he is involved in and in how he treats people.

The book of Ruth is a story about redemption and people who have very good character. It is a story about hope. So the obvious question is, what type of character do you have?

Far too often people with poor character seem to get what they desire. My challenge for you today is as follows, will you keep your character even when things fall apart around you.

Ruth kept her character. Boaz demonstrated his character. God showed the depth of his character. God had a plan for a specific people that needed help. God knows what he is doing in the lives of people. This includes the good and the bad.

My challenge for you today is to be a person of noble character. Don’t gossip, complain, conspire or plan the destruction of others. Go above and beyond to be better. Have faith that God will work everything out in due time.

Good character trumps talent and skill.

Tomorrow I plan on reading 1 Samuel 1-3

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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