How Will You Be Remembered

Today’s Reading Deuteronomy 32-34

Focal Scripture: Deuteronomy 34:10 “No prophet has arisen again in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.”

As the Torah comes to a close Moses life and journey with the Israelites also comes to an end. Moses poured out his life to serve the people. He poured out his life to serve God.

In the readings today Moses had a song recorded for the people. One of encouragement and that pushed the Israelites to give all they had to God. Then Moses was going to die. He saw the promised land from a distance but was denied entrance because of his sin. Instead of wallowing in self pity he gave all he had to the next leader, Joshua.

We then see the testimony of Moses explained in the scriptures. Moses was the greatest prophet and he was remembered because of his relationship with God. One that was full of love, obedience, frustration, doubt, and closeness.

We will be remembered also. However, will we be remembered for how much time we spent at work? For our ideas? Our fandom for our favorite sports team. We will be remembered for how much we served the local church? Or will we be remembered for how we loved Jesus. Will we have hearts that are undivided and completely bent towards pursuing Jesus.

For those in ministry will our children and spouses remember that others came before them on a regular basis, even though the first ministry we have is our family. One of the biggest ministry lies is that church comes before personal and family ministry. Only in emergency and rare situations should family be sacrificed. Ministers can be replaced at church, you can’t be replaced at home.

We should be remembered like Moses. Our love for God and our intimate relationship with our creator. That is an eternal impact on our personal lives, family lives and ministry lives. Love God above all and it will be obvious in your daily life.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Joshua 1-4

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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