Moving When the Lord Commands

Today’s Reading Numbers 8-10

Focal Scripture: Numbers 9:18 “At the LORD’s command the Israelites set out, and at the LORD’s command they camped. AS long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle, they camped.”

Understanding when to make a move in life is very important. To early and it can cause problems. To late and you can miss something entirely. Here we see that the Israelites knew when to make a move when they traveled. They waited on the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. When it stayed put, they stayed put. This cloud represented the LORD’s glory.

Simple, yet very effective. They waited on the Lord before they packed, before they traveled, before they made decisions about which direction to go next. Where to go was settled. They knew where to travel because they had eyes that were open and legs that were obedient.

There is much we can learn from this in our daily lives. Speaking as one who has moved a lot I can attest to this model. Knowing when to stay, when to leave is always a decision that is dependent upon God. Making my own decisions would be a terrible dependency on myself.

So what does this practically. This scripture teaches that our eyes must be focused on God. Distractions can cause problems and lead you a place you do not want to be in your life. However, if you follow God’s glory and set in your heart you will follow his path for your life you will be right in the middle of God’s will.

I want you to notice however that the Lord’s presence goes where it wants to and submits to nobody else. The Lord’s presence provides cover in the day, and fire at night. Being in line with God gives you exactly what you need. It is important to note that the journey will not always be easy. The journey will have pain, death, heartache, and even doubt. If you are following God then all of those things are part of the process.

The journey will not always be easy but it will always be worth it when you trust Christ. Only go where the Lord leads. Only go because the Lord has given you a path. Trust his process.

Tomorrow I plan on reading 11-13

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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